Monday, January 28, 2008

Volcanic Action at Mt. Etna, Sicily

This is some really amazing footage.


LAA and Family said...

Wow, what great footage! I'll have to show this to my son. I lived in Naples,Italy for a while (over 30 years ago) when my Dad was stationed there. My school, and the entire base, was located near La Solfatara. We didn't know it at the time, but it is part of the Campi Flegrei, which I have heard refered to as a supervolcano, like Yellowstone! The base and school were moved some time in the '90s. The area near there has had periods of geologic instability since the mid-1980's.

This is the first time I've checked out this blog, it's great!

love2learnmom said...

Thanks - I'm glad you like the site! I thought this footage was amazing!!!

Wow, that's pretty wild about living so close to such geologic instability.